Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Few Tips On Keeping Your Skin Moist

You have to take care of your skin in order to keep it soft and supple, especially as you get older. This is also true if you live in a climate that tends to dry out your skin. Dry skin affects millions of people, and it can be rather uncomfortable. Read on to find out great ideas that you can use to have strong yet soft and silky skin.

Before you apply your moisturizer during the day, mist your face with water. This helps hydrate your skin before you add the moisturizer as part of the process. Make sure you use this step or try a treatment such as exposed acne treatment reviews.

You should definitely apply aloe and jojoba oil to your skin frequently. Aloe is very soothing, and it is also known for helping treat burns. Aloe and jojoba oil soothe and hydrate your skin, and they soften up the texture of your skin as well.

When you use sunscreen, which is important, make sure it has a moisturizer in it. One product we recommend if LifeCell, here is a well written LifeCell Review. This is going to help you keep up with the moisturizing of your skin throughout the day, no matter the activity. As far as sunscreen is concerned, you definitely must wear it because the sun's rays can harm your skin. Therefore, since it is essential, wear one with moisturizer included. You should keep a humidifier in your bedroom, as this can really help the health and beauty of your skin. This keeps the air moistened just right, and it helps your skin stay moist instead of dry. Just as you should wet your face before moisturizing, you should also apply moisturizer as soon as you step out of the shower. Proactiv dark spot corrector is one product we recommend. This is a great idea because your skin goes straight from being hydrated by H2O to a moisturized hydration. Make sure are doing everything that you can in order to protect yourself from chemicals and cold weather. Harmful chemicals can irritate your skin, and they can dry your skin out as well. The cold weather is also known for drying your skin out. If you live in a colder climate, be prepared to do what you need to do in order to keep your skin soft and moist. Caffeine dries out your skin. Think about how many sodas you drink each day. As you are doing things to soften your skin, you are combating each technique by drinking caffeine. If you must have the occasional soda, that's fine, but at least cut back. Don't even think about cutting back smoking. You need to stop! If you smoke, everything you are doing to keep your skin moist and soft will be like fighting the regular battle times 100. It will be so much of an uphill battle, that you will appear to be losing every fight. You must stop smoking in order to keep your skin from drying out and wrinkling. The better you take care of your body, the nicer your skin is going to be, so make sure that you follow the tips you have just read. You will look amazing in no time at all!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Booya! Some Helpful Skin Care Advice For Cold Winter Times

The winter climate is hard on your skin. It can cause the healthiest skin to dry out and become unsightly and uncomfortable. Knowing the way to care for skin during winter months will help alleviate the problem. Use the tips below to maintain your beautiful, healthy skin throughout the harsh winter months.

Oil-based moisturizers must be used during the winter. The formula does not absorb into the skin quite as quickly and the barrier it puts on your skin protects it for an extended period of time when compared to other moisturizers. One product that have shown good results is Elite Serum RX. You can find a top Elite Serum RX Review here.

Many people do not realize the importance of sunscreen during the winter. It is imperative that you protect your skin from the snow glare when you are going to spend extended periods of time outside. Be sure to apply it to your nose, forehead, cheeks and chin to keep them from becoming burned.


So .. What's Next?

You may think that you do not need gloves when you are just going outside for a minute, but you really should. The cold dry weather is harsh on the skin even when it is only exposed for a short amount of time.

If your gloves and socks get wet, get them off immediately. It is not going to do your skin any good for you to walk around wearing gloves and socks that are soggy. Wet fabric on the skin can cause skin cracking, sores, itching and irritation.

Hot showers and baths must be avoided especially during the winter. Your skin is having enough trouble maintaining the moisture in it. The hot water is just going to dry it out even more. Set the temperature to no more than what is warm enough to be comfortable.

Your feet are going to need some special attention during this time. Invest in a quality exfoliate. Exfoliate your feet no less than twice a week. Once you have them exfoliated, apply lotion to them. If you still notice that you have dry spots on them, break out the petroleum jelly. Slather it on your feet and wrap them with plastic wrap before bed, Dermefface FX7 Review has also showed great results. It may take a few nights of doing this, but you will soon notice that the dry patches are no longer an issue.

Put away your bar soap. Find a gentle cleanser that you can use to wash your body. Bar soaps tend to have a drying effect on the skin. There are cleansers that are specially formulated for winter weather skin care.

The air is going to get dry during the winter and there is really nothing anyone can do about it other than using a humidifier in the home. There are small humidifiers that can be used in individual rooms or you can make a large investment and get a whole house humidifier. Either of them will work to replace the moisture in the air that the furnace and weather has stripped out.

Although winter climates can be very challenging to maintain healthy skin, using these tips will make it more manageable for you. Use them daily and you will not suffer the discomforts of dry skin during the winter ever again.